Couples Therapy

None of us come ‘ready’ and ‘perfect’ for relationship or marriage. We learn as we go along, most often in times of struggle, when old traumas are re-awakened and the cycle of conflict returns again.  But we live our lives in relationship, and whether shy, extrovert, wealthy or poor, without connection we can feel empty and that life is meaningless.

Intimate relationship of all kinds urges us to mature, compelling us to examine who we are and what we want. It’s where we truly get to discover ourselves; our hopes, fears, our longings and often what we lack. It is also through relationship we heal.

You can deepen your awareness; communicate more authentically, create something new and change direction, if that is what you want.



There is some kiss we want with our whole lives,
the touch of spirit on the body.

The seawater begs the pearl to break its shell…